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Energy Medicine Yoga - Focus on the Aura Workshop (Members Only)

The Aura is one of the body’s nine Subtle Energy Systems. It is a protective energetic coating we all have. This workshop focuses on repairing and strengthening the Aura, also known as the body’s electromagnetic biofield. The practice includes asana poses, breath-work, meditation and Energy Medicine techniques. EMYoga® will help unlock the language of your body to amplify your healing power – mind, body, and spirit.

Energy Medicine Yoga is an integrative yoga practice accessible to students of all levels. The practice includes asana poses, breath-work, meditation, and Energy Medicine techniques such as acupressure holds, Neurolymphatic Reflex self-massage (a unique and powerful way of working with and clearing your lymphatic system), and energy channel clearings. EMYoga will help unlock the language of your body to amplify your healing power – mind, body, and spirit. The result is a deep love, appreciation and acceptance of yourself just as you are now, as you continue on a path toward your best self.

Instructor: Melissa Moss
Saturday, August 12th, 12pm-1:30pm
Free for Unlimited Members