Evening of Self-Care: Yoga, massage, and a good cause. A night remembered.

With your help, Blue Ridge raised $10,497 for the Cancer Support Community this year!

The Cancer Support Community is an organization that is dear to our hearts, as many of our students and teachers at Blue Ridge have benefited from the services that the CSC provides. We want to show our love for those impacted by cancer by contributing to their cause of support and education. Our donation to the CSC will help provide those in need with support and counseling,  yoga classes, meditation groups, nutrition workshops, and more. Please visit the CSC website to learn more.

Thank you to all who attended, donated, and volunteered at our Second Annual Evening of Self-Care; it is moving to witness the community coming together for a good cause. Our event was a huge success, and we couldn't have done it without you! We hope you had as much fun as we did! 

Look below to get a glimpse into our Evening of Self-Care!

Come Practice with Us!