Caitlin Black, Instructor

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Caitlin came to the practice in 2013 after a friend dragged her to a class. She was surprised by the physical benefits but truly amazed by what she saw emotionally and mentally. Shortly after this class, her family suffered a great loss, and she found herself drawn back to the practice. She dedicated the next year to do 365 days of yoga, and it changed her life. 

She truly believes yoga is for everyone and wanted to introduce more people to their own practice and all the wonderful things it brings. With some encouragement from a friend, she came to yoga teacher training at Blue Ridge Yoga, completing her 200-hour in 2019. 

Having danced for many years and having an engineer’s brain, she pays special attention to alignment and individual anatomy. She tries to incorporate the use of props into all her classes so that every student can practice safely and comfortably. She also feels that yoga doesn’t have to be a silent, serious practice all the time and she encourages students to try new things and to explore their more playful sides.


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