Recommit to Yourself in 2018

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Now that Christmas has come to a close and the New Year is on the horizon, I have started my process of slowly getting ready for another year. As I think back on the last year, I search for moments of self-discovery and personal growth. In doing so, I become aware that all of us have experienced moments of pleasure, joy, and failure this year. We all have felt the sometimes overwhelming feelings of pain that stems from anger, anxiety, or depression. What is important to reconcile though, is what has been gained from our moments of trial.  Pain sometimes is a message and is almost wasted if nothing was learned in the process. This can be difficult to understand in the moment, but perhaps in your own year-end reflection, you will begin to see how you have grown. Instead of concentrating on what you did or didn't get this past year, find the positive aspects of yourself that have evolved!

If you have no New Year's Resolutions or Intentions in mind, may I propose a commitment to ourselves? A year of self-care! Let us acknowledge the fact that we are worthwhile of our own love and compassion. May we remind ourselves that our practice is a way for us not to punish, but to value ourselves just as we are in this very moment. Remember that yoga and meditation are tools we can use stay positive & grounded in our body and in our mind, and never apologize for taking care of yourself! Self-care is a necessity that we all require and deserve.


May we have a year in which we realize we are worth the effort!
- Jess

You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.
— Buddha
FeaturedJessica Mishu